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Talking Location With Tania Malik

Trip Fiction




War Stories: Creative Potential in the Theatre of Conflict

Crime Time 



Book Review: Prairie Edge by Conor Kerr

Full Stop



​Book Review: No Ship Sets Out to be a Shipwreck by Joan Wickersham

The Brooklyn Rail



Tania Malik interviews Anita Gail Jones on her debut novel The Peach Seed

Write or Die Magazine



Tania Malik’s Playlist for Her Novel “Hope You Are Satisfied"

Largehearted Boy



9 Books About Immigrants to the Middle East

Electric Lit



Copiers, Cubicles and Colleagues: A Reading List of Office Novels

Lit Hub​



Letter to a Stranger: To the Groundskeeper of Lodi Garden




CALYX, A Journal of Art and Literature by Women (Winter/Spring , Vol. 29:3)




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